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Making Sense of Standards

Part 1

Interdisciplinary learning is one of the examples of ways in which schools achieve learning over a course of certain curriculum. When the respective educators make an arrangement for a special curriculum to suit a specific group of students, then the interdisciplinary learning provides a way in which it delivers a good package of knowledge based on the specific needs of that group. It gives a ways in which the learners come to appreciate the meaningful interconnections existing among the disciplines. Interdisciplinary is in essence not only a knowledge view, but also a curriculum approach in which it consciously applies methodologies and different ways of communication languages from more than one discipline in achieving its design goals. It examines the focus theme, topic, issue or work in coming up with the appropriate standards for a specific curriculum.

The Special Education section is one of the areas in education that achieves its goals of impacting knowledge through interdisciplinary learning. Some of the standards used in achieving constructive learning involve the organizational centers from a perspective of many multiple disciplines at the same time. This in return encourages the students in discovering the transcendent themes that the system provides. The aim of this is to create an interdisciplinary unit that achieves a relationship of at least two disciplines. The achievement of these disciplines is through a common series of essential questions that helps in getting a structure of the interdisciplinary learning and assessment of the aims of the curriculum (Carlisle & Kemple, 2005).

The second standard used as a definition of a special education, interdisciplinary learning is the need to understand one of the approaches in which achieve the design of the curriculum. For the discipline to be effective, the designing must be done in a proper way. The learning schedule ought to begin with as a pre-formatted package. The content of this package should include the required elements and their respective recommendations for a specific coverage of a certain grade, semester, or a year. The best curriculum structure bases on expanding on this guide (Rasmussen & Cook, 1990). The educators take into consideration the plans in the real time, which are the specific solutions to the problems presented in the real world. Therefore, this makes the first curriculum review a blue print in learning.

In the making of standards, the curriculum is supposed to be rooted in the specific field. Every fed have their own contents which are useful in measuring its relevance to the recipients it were made for. The measure includes a careful analysis of the content of the curriculum. This includes the topics covered the issues it the curriculum handles, and the themes or problems which form it.  According to the report in National association of special education (2006), it involves a rigorous process of thinking and skills realization. This is the development of an appropriate benchmark on which a student would find appropriate to learn. The last content of this third standard is assessed. The curriculum should incorporate ways in which the learner can be assessed. These means include the provision of essay assignment, recitals, projects and taking of notes.

The other standard is the formulation of instructional objectives. This is having a focus on the mastery of specific skills. It is important for one to determine what they students expect to do every time a lesson is taught and students have successfully completed it. This acts as a springboard for which a learner get to develop.

Part 2
In education, there are many expressions in determining student learning. Breaking apart is applied in standard to achieve a complete comprehension of the curriculum. Teachers take a stand in the tier that will be involved in designing any of the orders.

Phase 1

In phase 1 of breaking apart, there are two nonnegotiable elements involved. These are content and skills. For content, the students are taken through what they are supposed to cover by their teachers. In most cases, it is noun based. On the other hand, skills are the responsibility the students are to doing demonstrating their learning ability as they go through the various lessons of the curriculum. This involves an inclusion of three parts, the measurable verbs, target, and descriptor. The team involved breaking up the standard with the aim of having a clear view of what they want to achieve. The process reveals all the possible nouns, verbs, targets and the descriptors which are more often related to the specific standard.

Phase 2

Based on the broken down standard, the team involved has a responsibility to cross check whether the points re-align with other four main points. These points form the phase two of the breaking down of standards (Jacobs, 2004).

These include the implicit and explicit learning expectations. This refers to what they infer for the students to know what they are supposed to know In order to do what they are required to do. The other is a determination of the statement that includes the measurable verb or verbs. This shows the actions and abilities that are related to the verb or verbs which are measurable (Mathison & Mason, 1989). For the statements that are broken, they might not have explicit descriptors. A good view of the needs helps in fashioning a rigorous, spiraled curriculum. Lastly, it involves a cross checking to determine whether the concepts or content of the standard statement is explicit. This involves a detailed description of the need of, whether students are supposed to know (Jacobs, 2004).



Carlisle, E., Stanley, L., & Kemple, K. (2005). Opening Doors: Understanding School and Family Influences on Family Involvement. Early Childhood Education Journal, 33(3), 155-162. doi:10.1007/s10643- 005-0043-1.

Jacobs, Heidi Hayes (2004). Introduction to our expert. Available from
Mathison, Carla & Mason, Cheryl (1989). Interdisciplinary Curriculum Planning. Available from
National association of special education (2006) Determining Measurable Annual Goals in an IEP. Available from
Rasmussen, Claudette and Cook, Cathy . (June 1990)."Problem Solving and Critical Thinking in Mathematics". Available from

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