Your Dissertation – Are You Ready?
You knew this project was coming the day you began your doctoral program. You have spent a great deal of time with preliminary research and have discussed research questions with your advisor. Perhaps you have actually settled on the question to be addressed! Great! Now the real work begins.
You know the drill – you must prepare the proposal for committee approval; you must conduct your literature review, design your methodology, conduct the actual research, organize the data, perform the statistical analysis, discuss your results, and provide a conclusion that either validates earlier research, provides new, important information, and/or informs future research – a tall order!!
Completing doctoral coursework is challenging, to be sure. Completing the culminating project – the dissertation – can be overwhelming. If you are ready to obtain some truly exceptional assistance with your dissertation, then you have ready to go to work!
Unlike any other supposedly professional research and writing service you might be considering, has the ability to provide you with a Ph.D. consultant in your research field. From the initial proposal through the final submission of your work, and through every step in the process, your consultant is on call – for whatever your need may be.
Literature Review Writing Stress
Are you stressing over your literature review? Your consultant can take your research problem and conduct the research that locates all of the most relevant and current sources, read, analyze and summarize that research, synthesizing it into a superb chapter that provides the foundation for your question.
Perhaps you are struggling with the research design. How can you set it up? How will design your data gathering forms, surveys, etc.? How will you manage the experimental and control groups? How will you provide for nuisance factors? All of the design can be expertly created by your consultant, and you will have full control over the process.
Are you a statistician? Chances are, you are not. When the data is gathered, it has to be analyzed, and we have Ph.D. statisticians to crunch that data and determine the statistical significance of your findings. From there, your discussion and conclusion chapters will follow, and your consultant is prepared to produce these as well.
A project as large as a dissertation will be long-term, to be certain. For this reason, has established a progressive time line procedure, so that, as each part of your dissertation is completed, it is presented to you for review and comment. Each chapter will be approved by you, before our writer moves forward. Further, we establish a direct communication between you and your consultant so that you may speak with one another at any time.
The beauty of working with is that you have the assurance that a live person, with the proper credentials, is actually creating original material for you, based upon your instructions and your ultimate approval. You will want to contact right now!