Essay Scholarships
Scholarships for college are both coveted and highly competitive
Everyone understands that high scores on SAT and ACT tests can result in numerous high school senior scholarships from a variety of colleges and universities, but these scholarships are only a tiny percentage of the awards given to students all over the country, both from colleges themselves and from a huge number of organizations, groups and foundations that have scholarship money available every year for deserving students.
There are three broad categories of scholarship avenues open to high school students, and anyone looking to tap into the millions of dollars available should carefully research any and all possibilities.
Scholarships Offered by Colleges and Universities
If you have superior grades or an outstanding record of achievement in a specific field that you intend to pursue as a major field of study in college, then you should definitely look into scholarship opportunities at the school(s) to which you are applying.
Scholarships for college freshmen may be either university-wide or may come from specific departments within a college, so be certain to check into both types awarded by your chosen school(s).
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There will be an application process, to be sure, and always that process will include the often dreaded scholarship application essay. Generally, there will be a prompt provided for each essay required (sometimes there will be more than one), and producing a compelling, engaging piece of writing will require both composition and grammar skills as well as the art of telling your “story” in creative ways.
Most students seek some form of scholarship essay help from others, but those “others” should be highly experienced writers with strong background in the type of writing necessary to grab attention and to maintain attention throughout the essay.
You will find some scholarship essay tips included toward the end of this piece, along with methods by which you can obtain some exceptional assistance.
Scholarships Offered by Organizations, Associations, and Foundations
Many students do not realize how many scholarships are available from a large number of non-educational sources.
Every year, groups such as local Chambers of Commerce, Kiwanis Clubs, Knights of Columbus, and various Veterans’ organizations offer scholarships of all types to deserving students.
Private foundations that support work in areas that students have selected for their fields of study are great sources of scholarship funds as well. For example, the National Endowment for the Arts offers a wide range of scholarships for students pursuing study in drama, music, literature.
As with colleges and universities, these private organizations will require scholarship essays that speak to your goals, your commitment to your field, and, of course they will want you to speak to your background and experience in this field as a high school students.
Quite likely, there will be more than one essay required, so you should be highly proficient in writing scholarship essays on varied topics. If not, you will want to get application essay help in order to be as competitive as possible.
Scholarship Essay Contests
An often overlooked source for scholarship comes from a huge variety of organizations that offer essay contest scholarships to seniors in high school and in undergraduate programs.
These organizations are very specific in their purpose, however, so you will need to find one that closely matches your major field.
For example, there is an annual scholarship essay contest sponsored by the John F. Kennedy Library, in which students are required to research and write about a politician whom they believe to possess the type of courage to which Kennedy spoke in his famous book, Profiles in Courage.
The National Young Arts Foundation and the Leyla Beban Young Authors Foundation both offer great scholarships for students in the fine arts and literature.
The Fleet Reserve Association offers scholarships for essays on patriotism, and they provide a different prompt each year.
The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials hold essay contests for students entering trade and technical schools.
Local, regional, and state level essay scholarship contests abound, and living in a specific area may be all that is required.
There are quite a large number of organizations that offer essay writing scholarships for international students specifically.
They do, however, require excellent English skills, and if you are an ESL student, you will definitely want to seek scholarship application essay help from a professional service that has the experienced writers to produce a superb piece of writing for you.
If you check, you may find a few for which you qualify, and, once you have made the decision to compete, contact us for assistance with your essay(s).
Doing some solid research on available essay scholarships high school seniors can seek, will reveal a huge number of possibilities – get out there and find them!
In some ways, essay scholarships are a bit easier to obtain, for they do not require a stellar GPA or high test scores.
But, on the other hand, everything “rides” on that one or two essays that you submit, and there simply can be not risk-taking on your part.
Essay writing scholarship contests are highly competitive, and students who compete are, for the most part, accomplished writers. If you are not, you need to get help!
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Scholarship Essay Tips
Many students do not know how to write an essay for scholarship awards, because they think that these essays are to be scholarly and completely formal.
Actually, awards committees are not looking so much for formality as they are for creativity and a compelling presentation.
Below are just a few tips for writing essay scholarship pieces:
- If a prompt is given, study it carefully.
- What you do not want to do is include any irrelevant content, simply because it is important to you. Everything included must relate!
- Do some brainstorming about specific content items you may include.
- Study that list, eliminate and add to it over a period of a few days. Do not be impulsive.
- Prepare an outline that will sequentially address the points you wish to make.
- Write your body paragraphs first.
- If you are relating specific experiences or activities, make them come alive for the reader. Use figurative and descriptive language that will appeal to as many senses as possible.
- Your introduction must immediately grab the attention of the reader.
- Begin with a short compelling sentence that will cause your reader to sit up, take notice, and want to read on!
- The best conclusion ties back to your introduction in a creative way.
- Obviously, there must not be a single grammatical error in your essay, and you should not do the proofreading yourself – you are too emotionally involved with what you have written.
- If you know that you face challenges in writing well, by all means get some help!
Obtaining professional assistance is not a comment on your lack of intelligence – it is the smart thing to do.
We are an exceptional cpmpany that can provide you with experienced and creative application and scholarship essay writers, for undergraduate and graduate/professional programs.
You will receive a single personal writer with whom you will collaborate throughout the process – you provide all of the details related to the essay topic, and your writer will produce a superb piece that will be sure to attract attention!
Where Can I Get a Scholarship?
We have provided numerous possibilities for scholarship opportunities, and you will find many more with a serious Internet search; your high school counselor is another great resource for potential awards. Leave no stone unturned – every year, scholarship money goes unused for lack of applicants!
And, if you are still looking, TrustEssays is currently running an essay writing contest to get you started!
Here, you can win a small scholarship amount, as well as check out the great services we have!