It’s good to know that nowadays people read books and the names of such authors as Truman Capote and T.S. Eliot are rather familiar to those who enjoy once in a while getting all comfortable in a quiet place with a book. Of course everybody has his or her own way to indulge in paper reality, but have you ever thought of how this reality was created?
Can you imagine Truman Capote wrote the famous novels tinted in the criminal shades lying on a couch with a glass of sherry and cigarettes handy? William Faulkner use to enjoy alcohol as a creativity tool as well.
There are also such writers as John Cheever and Francine Prose who surely enjoy creating in home-like atmosphere, as J. Cheever use to compose his “Wapshot” stories wearing nothing other than the underwear, while F. Prose got all comfy and ready to write in men’s clothes.
“And the Sun rises” with all that heat, which makes the Spanish call out for siesta and have a rest – a nice habit taken up by Hemmingway as he used to write half a page a day before the sun brings out the heat.
Eudora Welty and Vladimir Nabokov had specific requirements to format of their masterpieces. Eudora used to paste each page one to another making a long rolls of paper depending on the length of stories. Vladimir preferred, on contrary, small index cards which he would clip and store in the boxes.
Some authors were dedicating specific time for writing not letting anyone distract them. Thus, Flannely O’connor worked for 2 hours a day due to her illness, though facing the blank panel of her furniture to secure 100% dedication to the process.
Thomas Wolfe also used his home appliances, specifically, his fridge to lean against – since with his height it was much more comfortable than the chair.
T.S. Eliot took avoiding the distraction to a totally new level – having few hideaways and putting on the green powder for a disagreeable look.