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Content that Generates Leads – Feeding the Stray Cat

February 04, 2016 - Posted to Writing tips

Content trustessays getting leads with content

How to Create Lead Generating Content

Getting leads and conversions is a bit like feeding a stray cat. You offer a piece of food to that cat; the cat likes what you offer and eats it; the cat comes back for more. If you are involved in e-commerce, you know that your marketing efforts will be through content that you publish online – content on your website, content on your blog, content that you post on social media. And you know that the only reason you are creating all of this content is to get your target audience to take the first step toward becoming a customer. That first step involves your targets reading and enjoying your content and then being willing to provide you with their contact information. Once you have that, you have a lead. The issue, then, is how to create content that will be read, bring readers “into the fold” and, also, make them want to share that content with others. Then those others may become leads too!

Never Publish Without an Amazing Title/Headline

Authors spend a lot of time thinking about titles for their books; journalists agonize over headlines. Why? Because without a catchy headline, no reader will be enticed to actually read. But when you have a great headline, followed by a great beginning, you have much of the “battle” won. The reader is engaged and willing to read more. And those “teasers” that you post on Facebook and Twitter need to be enticing too, so a good headline is critical.

Don’t Push Product; Push Relationships

Consumers are suspicious of content that is pushy and sales-focused. They want to know who you are, since they can walk into your store and meet you personally. You tell them who you are by the stories you tell, by the problems you solve and the questions you answer for them, by the humorous or inspiring stuff you write. Relationships build trust, and once a reader trusts you, that reader will be willing to part with an email address.

Engage by Interaction

People love to participate in your content. They love to give opinions, so create polls and surveys; they love to take quizzes (and share them); they love contests, so have a few. All of these things can be “gated,” so that they have to provide an email address to participate.

Turn Content into Visuals

Text is boring, unless it’s a great story, a joke, a quote, etc. When you have serious content to publish, do it in a visually appealing way. Create an infographic or timeline; use photos and images; create some videos (really popular). The more you can provide information in a visual way, the more a reader will stay with you.

Watch the Reading level

Content for marketing is casually written, as if you were talking to a friend. And vocabulary is casual too, unless it is for a very specific highly technical audience. Content that is read is written at about the 7th grade reading level. And if you are not certain about yours, use a tool like It’s free. Paste your content in and you’ll get a reading level.

Grammar – Yes, Grammar

Content is casual. It is broken up into short chunks with headings and bullets. But casual and simple does not mean that poor grammar is okay. It’s not. You have to be an accomplished writer before you can simplify. And if you are not an accomplished writer, you need to make plans to become one by taking a course or getting a good grammar editing tool to help you out. You can also use and essay writing service that offers e-commerce content writing while you fine tune those skills of yours. The point is this: you have to write well and that writing has to reflect good grammar and composition.

There is a lot to practice if you intend to write content that converts. Being mindful of these elements should help you develop and master the art and science of it.

Guest Author - Ethan Dunhill

Ethan Dunwill is entrepreneur and contributing blogger for several websites. He mostly writes about startups and content marketing. Connect with him via Twitter or his personal blog.

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