The life of a writer is rarely even. More than most other professions, writing has incredible highs and horrible lows, and I can enumerate them quickly, from personal experience.
The Highs
- Being so absorbed in a piece that sleeping and eating become truly unimportant
- Putting that last period on a work.
- Getting nibbles from potential publishers/getting published
- Compliments from writers you really respect
The Lows
- Writer’s block that lasts for days
- Rejection notices
- Worrying about money/bills
- Wondering why you did not take mom’s advice to get a “real” job
- Taking on freelance work that is boring, because you have to eat
What I do find, however, is that I can find lots of “comrades” in this business – people who value the freedom and independence that comes from creating something from a blank page. And I also find that I can bolster my courage and drive by reading inspirational writing quotes, that is, specific quotes about writing, and I would recommend this activity to anyone thinking about retiring his/her pen for a traditional lifestyle.
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Finding and Keeping Inspiration
When I do find writing quotes that I love, I type them in big lettering, print them out, and tack them up all over the walls of my small home office space.
I read them often, especially during the “low” moments, because they remind me why I do what I do! Where do you find famous inspirational quotes?
All over the web, of course, but more from contemporary fiction and non-fiction. I have even written some of my own! The following are some of my favorites:
- Success is not permanent. The same is true of failure. (Dell Crossword)
- They laugh at me because I am different; I laugh at them because they are all the same. (Kurt Cobain)
- The mind, like a parachute, functions only when open. (unknown)
- A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit. (Richard Bach)
- There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. (Ernest Hemingway)
- Amateurs wait for inspiration. The rest of us just get up and go to work. (Stephen King)
- I write when I’m inspired, and I see to it that I am inspired at 9 o’clock every morning. (Peter De Vries)
- Your intuition knows what to write, so get out of the way. (Ray Bradbury)
- You can’t think yourself out of a writing block; you have to write yourself out of a thinking block. (John Rogers)
- It is perfectly okay to write garbage – as long as you edit brilliantly (C.J. Cherryh)
- Half my life is an act of revision. (John Irving)
- I love deadlines. I like the whooshing they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
- This is how you do it; you sit down at a keyboard and you put one word after another until it’s done. It’s that easy and that hard. (Neil Gaiman)
- If you want to be a writer, start thinking of yourself as a writer, and tell everyone else you are a writer. (Yours Truly)
Nom, nom – food for your thoughts!